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Sunstone Orgonite Phone Guardian

Sunstone Orgonite Phone Guardian

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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The Orgonite Phone Guardian is your technological shield against the modern world's energetic chaos. Crafted with precision and intention, this unique orgonite device merges ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology to bring balance to the energy emitted by your electronic devices.

Designed to neutralize and transmute harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted by your phone, the Orgonite Phone Guardian is a small, portable solution for those seeking to create a healthier tech environment. Its core is a blend of resin, metal shavings, and potent crystals, carefully chosen for their energy-balancing properties.


Sunstone Properties:

Sunstone, a captivating gemstone known for its warm, glowing appearance, is associated with several magical and metaphysical properties:

1. **Vitality and Energy:** It's believed to radiate warmth and vitality, infusing the user with an energetic boost and enthusiasm for life. Sunstone is often associated with bringing a sense of joy and optimism.

2. **Abundance and Prosperity:** This gemstone is connected with abundance and good fortune. It's thought to attract success and opportunities, particularly in financial matters and career pursuits.

3. **Empowerment and Confidence:** Sunstone is linked to empowerment and confidence. It's believed to enhance leadership qualities, courage, and personal strength, encouraging independence and self-empowerment.

4. **Creativity and Inspiration:** Some believe that sunstone stimulates creativity and inspiration, aiding in artistic pursuits and problem-solving by providing clarity and fresh perspectives.

5. **Positive Energy:** Sunstone is thought to dispel negativity and promote a positive mindset. It encourages a sunny disposition, helping to alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.

6. **Chakra Alignment:** It's associated with the sacral chakra, helping to balance and align this energy center. This alignment is believed to promote vitality, creativity, and emotional balance.

7. **Connection to Solar Energy:** As the name suggests, sunstone is connected to the energy of the sun. It's believed to harness solar energies, providing warmth and light to the user's life both spiritually and physically.

These magical properties are based on historical beliefs, spiritual practices, and cultural traditions. Crystals and gemstones are often used in meditation, rituals, and energy work to harness their energies and attributes.


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