What are they saying?

Reviews from valued Inanna MBS clients and customers.
  • Rowan N.

    "Y'all, listen here. Norah is amazing. she's sweet & talented, and honestly quickly became a friend. her henna is amazing and her orgonite is beautiful. she's a saint."

  • Sue O.

    "I have the most beautiful Orgone pieces made by Norah at Ivanna Arts! Every time I look at them I smile!! Very powerful too!! Check out her items!! You won't be sorry!!"

  • Amanda K.

    "Norah has beautiful art!! I adore my pyramid. I keep one close to my computer at work to keep the bad vibes from the electronics away! The other is by me where I sit on the couch at home. Love it. She always has a beautiful smile and great things to say about life too."

  • Barbara M.

    "I love Norah’s unique artistry. She creates beautiful things"

  • Mary R.

    "Norah is very kind and intelligent person and very creative. I had bought a pendulum from her and really love it."

  • Stacy K.

    "Norah is amazing her work is beautiful you can see the love in each piece."

  • Kate M.

    "I love the 3 pieces I had custom made! I looked at the different crystals to see what energy they held. Also, asked the amazing artist some questions for clarity and she was so helpful! They are a part of my home now and I am grateful for the time and love that was put into making them!"

  • Danielle S.

    "I love my Ouija Board and charging plate. I cannot wait to hang my Ouija Board up for display! It shipped so fast! Thank you so much."

  • Gikita R.

    "Check out her skills, amazing and beautiful"